Evaluation of the physico-chemical quality of the cheese-based of cow’s milk sold in the markets of porto-novo (Benin)

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Evaluation of the physico-chemical quality of the cheese-based of cow’s milk sold in the markets of porto-novo (Benin)

Hugues Assongba, Fadéby Modeste Gouissi, Guy Marius Assogba, Sahidou Salifou
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 210-217, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The present study focuses on the physico-chemical analysis of cheeses that are selling in markets of Porto Novo city. As one of main city, Porto-Novo is facing the challenge of air pollution which is provided from the informal gasoline’s selling, motorbikes taxi activities that produce huge amount of exhaust gas as well as the mismanagement of domestic wastes. Cheese is cow’s milk by product which is most consume in polluted environment. For the purpose of public health security, the toxicological and physico-chemical surveys on cheese were conducted in four markets of this city and enabled us to appreciate the pollution level of cheese. We have to determine the moisture content; pH and dosage of the lead and cadmium. The dosage of metals, the lead and cadmium contents were measured through analysis of spectrophotometric molecular absorption. The obtained results show that the high concentration of toxic metals varies from 0.83 mg/kg to 0.95 mg/kg for lead and varies between 0.18 mg/kg and 0.25 mg/kg for cadmium. Besides, the average lead content in these cheeses from the market of Ahouangbo is 22.5 time high than accepted standard set by international organizations such as the WHO, the codex alimentarius, while the one in Gbégo market is 40.5 time. The results raise the issue of public health and illustrate the consequences of anthropic actions likely to affect the quality of foodstuffs exposed to the open air. And since cheese must be delivered in a safe and appropriate condition to consumers, suggestions have been formulated in the present document through a good practice of milk collection, cheese production and storage, and its sale. We estimate that the implementation of the proposals in an efficient way will help reduce the prevalence of contaminants in foodstuffs in general and in cheeses in particular.


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