Evolution of phytochemicals compounds of three plantain cultivars (Musa sp.) preserved by a method involving charcoal

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Research Paper 06/10/2023
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Evolution of phytochemicals compounds of three plantain cultivars (Musa sp.) preserved by a method involving charcoal

Sabli Loh Tinnde Charles, Wohi Maniga, Coulibaly Souleymane, Kouadio N’guessan Eugene Jean Parfait
Int. J. Biosci.23( 4), 83-93, October 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Despite the good nutritional qualities and large production areas of plantain bananas, their production is subject to a lack of inexpensive conservation techniques that are accessible to everyone. For this, a conservation study combining charcoal and polyethylene bags was carried out. For this work, the fruits of the plantain varieties Saci, Big-Ebanga and Orishélé harvested at the mature stage were preserved in six different storage media. Some physicochemical and antinutritional parameters such as polyphenols, flavonoids and phytates of the pulps of the three varieties of plantain bananas were determined according to standard methods. The results obtained indicate that the storage time in the media containing charcoal exceeded 30 days, unlike the control media where the storage times were 12 and 24 days. of polyphenols between 120.66 and 1961.10mg/100g DM and finally of flavonoids between 0.76 and 7.23mg/100g DM. Regarding the antinutritional parameters, the phytate levels vary between 42.66 and 64.05mg / 100g DM.


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