Exploring the mutagenic properties of picric acid on some biochemical attributes of three Brassica napus L. cultivars

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Exploring the mutagenic properties of picric acid on some biochemical attributes of three Brassica napus L. cultivars

Ishtiaq Ahmad, Barkat Ullah
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 174-185, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was carried out to explore mutagenic effect picric acid on some biochemical parameters including carotenoid, phenols, prolines, protein and sugar contents of three canola cultivars (Abasin-95, Dur e Nifa, Nifa Gold). Three factorial randomized complete block design was selected for the present study. Significant variation in the results of carotenoid, phenols, prolines, and protein and sugar contents in the leaves of all verities was observed using different treatment levels of picric acid. Similarly, priming durations also exhibited significant results for all the parameters except leaf phenols and proteins contents. Moreover, ANOVA for inter cultivar variations was also found significant for various biochemical parameters of the three canola cultivars excluding protein contents. These results suggest that all the three cultivars possess different genotypes. It is obvious from the data that picric acid treatment levels reduced the leaf carotenoid and phenol contents of canola plants as compared to control. On the other hand, lower doses of picric acid were stimulatory for leaf proline and sugar contents. Among different picric acid priming durations, plants raised from seeds pre-soaked with 6 hours duration proved good for all the studied parameters except leaf sugar contents. Cultivar Abasin-95 superseded rest of the cultivars in leaf proline and sugar contents while cultivar Dur e Nifa and cultivar Nifa Gold showed maximum leaf carotenoid and phenol contents respectively. The high production of such stress combating metabolites indicate that these canola cultivars possess strong genes which can cope with adverse environment and is suggested for cultivation as an alternate crop in plant challenging conditions.


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