“Extending Shelf Life of Mulberry Fruit Through Dehydration: Chemical, Microbial, and Sensory Evaluation”

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Research Paper 06/10/2024
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“Extending Shelf Life of Mulberry Fruit Through Dehydration: Chemical, Microbial, and Sensory Evaluation”

Mary Ann Ysabel Y. Orpilla
Int. J. Biosci.25( 4), 120-128, October 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Dehydrated candied mulberry fruits were developed to process underutilized mulberry fruit with very short shelf life and to specifically investigate the chemical compositions, water activity, microbiological and sensory qualities of mulberry fruits. Dehydration using Multi-Commodity Solar Tunnel Dryer (MCSTD) and sugar preservation methods were used to extend the shelf life of the mulberry fruits. Slightly ripe and fully ripe fruits were processed into dehydrated candy. The chemical compositions, water activity, microbiological, and sensory qualities were studied. The results showed that the dehydrated candied mulberry fruits both fully ripe and slightly ripe were good sources of protein (2.42 and 2.27 g per 100g), ash (0.69 and 1.20 g per 100g), and carbohydrates (81.45 and 91.44g per 100g). Water activity values were 0.47 and 0.62. Results on microbiological analyses particularly on aerobic plate count and yeast and mold count were within safety levels. The degree of ripeness of the fruit showed significant differences in color, taste, hardness, and fracturability. The developed dehydrated candied mulberry can be considered in the human diet with abundant nutrients.

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