Extra-cellular productions of amylases and proteases in rotten potato based cultures of Bacillus subtilis

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Research Paper 01/03/2018
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Extra-cellular productions of amylases and proteases in rotten potato based cultures of Bacillus subtilis

Ikram-ul Haq, Asra Maher, Nazia Parveen Gill1, Ghulam Asghar Maka², Urooj Fatima, Kazim Ali, Ghulam Qadir
Int. J. Biosci.12( 3), 285-293, March 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The gram-positive bacteria like as Bacillus sp., are non-pathogenic and useful workhorse in industrial fermentations. In present study, extracts of rotten potato peels and peeled off potato starch used as fermentation substrate in combination with TY-medium (v/v) for B. subtilis 168 culture. Cultures harvested after 42 hrs and 62 hrs of incubation at 37°C with 250 rpm shaking incubator. Maximum cells observed in control LB₀ (TY-medium) and LB₂ (¼ TY+¼ potato peels or skin) cultures at 42 hrs, while in 2nd harvest it increased significantly in LB₂ and LB₃ (¼ TY+¼ peeled off potato starch), while minimum in LB₄ (¾ dH₂O+¼peels or skin) and LB₅ (¾ dH₂O+¼peeled off potato starch mixed). Highest reducing sugars measured in supernatant of LB₄ and then in LB₂ cultures (62 hrs), while minimum in LB₁ culture (42 hrs) significantly. Extracellular proteins noted higher in 2nd harvest of LB₂ and LB₄ (at 62 hrs) significantly, while minimum in LB₁ (at 42 hrs, p≤0.05). The ????-amylase activities observed higher in all cultures at 1st harvest (at 42 hrs) except LB₁ (¼ TY-medium), while it decreased in LB₀, LB₁, LB₃ and LB₅ and increased in LB₂ and LB₄ cultures (62 hrs) timely. The protease activities remained almost same at 42 hrs (p≤0.05), while increased in LB₃ and LB₄ cultures (62 hrs). Both substrates have performed differentially, while potato peels has performed best. It is being cheapest agro-industrial waste and useful substrate could be recommended for production of extracellular heterologous proteins for industrial usages.


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