Extraction of Natural Dye from Rosa damascena Miller.: A Cost Effective Approach for Leather Industry

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Research Paper 01/06/2016
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Extraction of Natural Dye from Rosa damascena Miller.: A Cost Effective Approach for Leather Industry

Shazia Pervaiz, Tahira Aziz Mughal, Muhammad Najeebullah, Filza Zafar Khan
Int. J. Biosci.8( 6), 83-92, June 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Floral waste is considered an inexpensive source of natural dyes. Keeping in view the detrimental effects of synthetic dyes on human health and climate, the study was devised to utilize the waste petals of Rosa damascena as natural dye and assessed its potency on chrome tanned goat crust leather. Eco-friendly, aqueous method was adopted for the extraction of the dye. Various shades were obtained with pre-mordanting and post-mordanting methods using ten different mordants. Spectrophotometer (Spectraflash SF-650X) was used for evaluation of colour coordinates of dyed substrates. Very good colour fastness properties with respect to rubbing and light were found with copper sulphate, ferrous sulphate, ferric chloride and acetic acid mordants. Good colour fastness properties were also obtained without mordant. The findings of the study reveal that R. damascena petals are a good source of natural dye for leather dyeing, which will help local tanning industry to minimize environmental problems, lessen dermal issues by providing eco-friendly, non-carcinogenic and non-allergic dyes at low cost.


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