Fat depression in milk obtained from Simmental and native (Yerli Kara) cows in first month of postpartum period

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Research Paper 01/12/2016
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Fat depression in milk obtained from Simmental and native (Yerli Kara) cows in first month of postpartum period

Duygu Ulaş
Int. J. Biosci.9( 6), 125-128, December 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study is to present some important knowledge about fat depression levels in non dairy cows during first month of postpartum period. The daily milk fat data were obtained from a herd in the same farm in Mazgirt County of Tunceli Province in Turkey. In study, groups were generated as; for 30 Simmental cows; light (≤ 600kg), medium (600-700kg) and heavy (≥ 700 kg) and for 30 Native cows (Yerli Kara); light (≤ 200kg), medium (200-250kg) and heavy (250 kg ≥). All cows fed TMR diets containing 60% forage and 40% concentrate. The milk fat rate was determined by automatic. The means of milk fat for all groups were compared with the milk fat depression level (3.2%) using one-sample t test. There were no fat depression levels in all weight groups (heavy, medium, light) of Simmental cows (4.50, 4.46, 4.41 %, respectively). Similarly, the milk fat rates were not lower than test value (3.2%) in Native cows for each weight groups (5.45, 5.16, 4.71 %, respectively). In study, there were no fat depression levels in milk obtained from heavy, medium and light dams of each breed during postpartum period. Different live weight non-dairy cows have sufficient body fat and energy reserves for required fat production in milk during postpartum period.


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