Faunal composition, distribution and richness of the Oran’s intertidal coastal zone (Mediterranean Sea, Algeria)

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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Faunal composition, distribution and richness of the Oran’s intertidal coastal zone (Mediterranean Sea, Algeria)

Mohammed Kallouche, Djillali Bouras, Kais Hussein B.
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 122-132, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study is based on the inventory of coastal benthic faunal at the level of 13 coastal sites through Oran’s coast from Sidi Medjdoub (Mostaganem) to Sebiate (Ain Témouchent). The differences that are determined on basis of the habitat / biodiversity shows a variation between the systems (natural, artificial, polluted, visited, and inhabited). The difference is visible on the coastal system, which remains distant from anthropogenic pressure with an important diversity of populations (Ain Defla, Madagh II), compared to the artificial coastal system of Oran’s harbour dyke, or inhabited like Bousfer. This official report clearly explains the influence of hydrodynamic functioning and the importance of human impact at different levels.


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