Feeding rate requirements for Schilbe intermedius (Rüppel, 1832) fingerlings reared in captivity

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Feeding rate requirements for Schilbe intermedius (Rüppel, 1832) fingerlings reared in captivity

Ephrem Comlan Tossavi, Augustin N’tcha, Arnauld Djissou, Diane Kpogue, Issa Nahoua Ouattara, Emile Didier Fiogbe
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 6), 34-41, December 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The control of the breeding of Schilbe intermedius in captivity, passes by the determination of its nutritional requirements. The present study aims therefore to determine the optimal feed ration of the fingerlings of S. intermedius. The experiment was carried out in circular basins during 28 days. After their capture in natural environment, their transfer in controlled area and their acclimatization to the artificial food used (coppens: protein 45%.), the fingerlings used (average weight: 3.12±0.83g) were subjected to four feed rations (2, 5, 8 and 11% of the biomass) tested in triplicate each one. Thus, the lowest rate of survival (64.00±1.15%) was recorded for the fingerlings’lot subjected to the ration of 8% where the pH is more acid (5.29).The final average weight (4.63±0.00g), the specific growth rate (1.19±0.08%/day) and the food effectiveness (0.53±0.00) obtained with the ration of 11% were the highest. These values are significantly different (P< 0.05) than those obtained with the ration of 2%.The best consumption index was registered with the ration of 2%. According to the model of Brett, the maximum and optimal daily rations of S. intermedius fingerlings were estimated to 4.6 % and 8.5 % respectively.


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