Fessia assadii (Asparagaceae), a new species from Iran

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Fessia assadii (Asparagaceae), a new species from Iran

M. Malekloo, T. Nejadsattari, S. M. M. Hamdi, I. A. M. Mehregan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 3), 78-85, September 2014.
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Fessia is a genus of bulbous flowering plants in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae (also treated as the family (Hyacinthaceae)). It is distributed from Iran to Central Asia and Pakistan. A number of species of Fessia, often under their earlier names in the genus Scilla. It contains eleven species worldwide and about five species in Iran. In This survey a new taxon is seen that was very similar to Fessia khorassanica and Fessia gorganica but is differernt from points of view from them. The new species is compared with its closest relatives Fessia khorasanica Meikle. is similar to F. khorasanica Meikle in number of stem, leaf shape, pedicle length, bract shape and color, anther color, ovary shape, fruit shape, fruit color, seed shape and ornamentation of surface seed cells. But, differs in Bulbs size bigger, stem being taller, leaf taller, inflorescence taller, perianth color is blue-violet, perianth margin is white, anther size taller, style size taller, stalk of stamen taller, capsule longer, seed shape is elliptic. F. assadii is similar to F. gorganica in leaf number, capsule size, bract size, bulbs length and bulbs shape. But differs in having smaller plant, leaf shape is linear-lanceolate, bract color is scabrid white margin, perianth color is violet-blue, perianth length is smaller, perianth margin is white and smaller stalk of stamen . In the final Fessia assadii is described and illustrated as a new species from the subalpine areas in Khorassan province, Iran.


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