Findings from a survey in Western Kenya to determine the soil fertility replenishment technologies adoption rates

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Findings from a survey in Western Kenya to determine the soil fertility replenishment technologies adoption rates

PO Mongare, JR Okalebo, CO Othieno, JO Ochuodho, AK Kipkoech, AO Nekesa
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.15( 6), 1-9, December 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


A survey on adoption levels of the existing soil nitrogen replenishing technologies amongst farmers in three counties in western Kenya was carried out in June 2011. Three farmer associations were Angurai Farmers Development Project (AFDEP), Bungoma Small-Scale Farmers Forum (BUSSFFO) and Mwangaza Farmer Group (MFAGRO). During the survey 223 farmers were interviewed with roughly a half of the households surveyed being members of farmer associations (FAs) and the other half being non-members, who acted as the control. Stratified random sampling technique was used. A repeated measures Analysis of Variance (RM – ANOVA) showed that various soil nitrogen replenishment technologies were adopted to various degrees, F (4.39, 855.43) =23.36, p<.001). The findings of this study indicated that the available technologies most extensively used in the study area were the use of inorganic fertilisers (DAP), planting of improved legumes processing, Lab lab, Push Pull, and Super 2 Package. In second place, were technologies such as seed inoculation, foliar feed use, top dressing fertiliser (CAN) and use of improved legumes. The least used technologies were found to be Ua Kayongo (IR seed), MBILI intercropping, fortified compost, and use of Farm yard manure and liming. The results also indicated that generally, adoption of technologies was higher amongst farmer association members compared with non-members regardless of the county. Bungoma County had significantly highest level of technology adoption level compared to both Busia and Vihiga. Adoption of soil technologies was also found to be positively correlated with farmers’ educational level but inversely related with their age.


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