Fire area zonation in Karang Intan district of South Kalimantan Province

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Fire area zonation in Karang Intan district of South Kalimantan Province

Susilawati, Muhammad Ruslan, Syarifuddin Kadir, Yusanto Nugroho
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 17-25, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The decline in forest function has occurred in the forests of South Kalimantan due to fires occurring every year during the dry season. Therefore, efforts are needed to prevent land and forest fires to avoid negative impacts. One of the efforts to prevent land and forest fires is through fire-prone areas zoning map. The purpose of this research was to identify the land and forest fire risk in Karang Intan District so that the fire risk map can be determined. This research was carried out using the Spatial analysis method. From the overlay analysis result, it can be seen that the fire-prone areas zonation in Karang Intan District consists of 4 (four) risk level, medium risk level (1137 ha), high-risk level (3684 ha), very high-risk level (12224 ha) and water body (371 ha). Farmland land cover predominantly high-risk level (3948 ha). Land cover and elevation affect the risk level of land and forest fires in Karang Intan District.


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