Fish and fisheries of the Sisili-Kulpawn river basin in the Northern region, Ghana

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Research Paper 01/09/2016
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Fish and fisheries of the Sisili-Kulpawn river basin in the Northern region, Ghana

U. F. Mustapha, D. N. Akongyuure, F. K. Abagale, E. H. Alhassan, E. D. Abarike
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 3), 112-119, September 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The importance and contribution of fish and fishing to the national and local economy cannot be discounted. The study examined fisheries in 4 communities of the Sisili-Kulpawn river basin in Ghana with focus on characteristics, fish species, level of catch and challenges. Fishing was the main occupation. Fishing gears used by the fishermen were cast nets(6.7 %), gill nets(73.2 %), hook and line(6.7 %), drag net(6.7 %)and traps(6.7 %). Averagely, each fisherman owns 8 fishing gears and 92.3 % own a non-motorize canoe. During bumper harvest, the quantity of catch per canoe per day averaged 20.5 kg. Dominant fish species included; Synodontis spp., Citharinus citharus, Auchenoglanis occidentalis, Labeo spp., Brycinus nurse, Schilbe spp., Sarotherodon galilaeus and Lates niloticus whilst Tetraodon lineatus, Parachanna obscura and Malapterurus electricus have disappeared. Consumer preference of fish species is dependent on level of scales, shelf life, flesh quality and taste. Investment in the fishing business by fishermen annually was noted to average $ 187.50 whilst average monthly proceeds were $ 64.5. Challenges of the fishing business were poor transport system and high cost of transportation, lack of storage facilities, processing facilities, electricity, ready market, capital, low market prices, presence of tree stumps in water and high cost of fishing materials. The business of fishing has a high potential of contributing towards poverty alleviation of the rural communities in the study area especially in the provision of employment.


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