Fish biodiversity and conservation status of the Dhepa river sanctuary in protection and restoration of threatened fishes of the northwest Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Fish biodiversity and conservation status of the Dhepa river sanctuary in protection and restoration of threatened fishes of the northwest Bangladesh

Imran Parvez, Hrisikesh Sarker Sujan, Md. Ashraful Alam, Mst. Nahid Akter, Kalipada Roy, Md. Rezoanul Haque
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 1), 183-190, January 2017.
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A fish sanctuary has established at the Dhepa river basin in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh to protect the threatened fishes. The present fish biodiversity status and the impacts of the sanctuary on the protection and restoration of fishes were mapped from January to December 2015 through an extensive survey and fish sample collection. A total of 55 freshwater fishes including 48 indigenous species and 7 exotic species were identified from the Dhepa river fish sanctuary. The fishes belong to 43 genera, 8 orders and 18 families. Cypriniformes was the most dominant order (51%), followed by siluriformes (19%), perciformes (19%), osteoglossiformes (3%), beloniformes, clupeiformes, cynbranchiformes, and tetraodontiformes (2%). Among 18 families, cyprinidae was the most dominant with 40% of the total fishes. According to the updated red list, 48 indigenous fishes were grouped into 6 endangered (EN), 5 vulnerable (VU), 9 near threatened (NT) and 24 least concerned (LC) categories. A cluster diagram using the un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) algorithm was constructed that depicted the direct correlation of LC, VU, CR, EN and NT categories while the not threatened (NO) and data deficient (DD) were not related to the other categories. It may be assumed that fishes under LC go towards the endangered category. The questionnaire survey categorized the collected fishes into abundantly available (22), moderately available (23) and rarely available (03). The conservation of fishes found in the category of least concerned, moderately available and rarely available are extremely desired for the protection and restoration of the threatened fishes of the northwest Bangladesh.


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