Flora, life form and chorology of plants in Rangelands watershed of Shirkooh of Yazd province, Iran

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Research Paper 01/09/2017
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Flora, life form and chorology of plants in Rangelands watershed of Shirkooh of Yazd province, Iran

Elham Fakhimi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 3), 56-66, September 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Land use and land transformation are mainly threated to biodiversity. Grazing as a land use is not incompatible with biodiversity conservation if proper management is applied. The conservation of plant diversity is a major objective in rangeland management. Recognition of habitats and conditions of species presences in different situations can be effective in proper utilization of vegetation Uniqueecological and climatic conditions in rangelands watershed of Shirkoohmake it a remarkable habitat for the floristic studies. This region is located between of 53°, 30′ to 53°, 54’longitude and 31°, 13’to 31°, 38’latitude in center of Iran in Yazd province. Average altitude of region is   2450 m. Surveys were conducted during active growth periods in 2014 and 2015. Plant species were identified and their chorology and life form determined through laboratory examinations and by using reference books. Floristic surveys resulted in identification of 236plant species, belonged to 168genus and 38 families. Asteraceae, Cruciferae and Chenopodiaceae were respectively the most abundant plant families. Among the life forms, Hemicryptophytes, Chamaephytes, Therophytes and Geophytes included 36, 24, 23 and 8% of the total species, respectively. Irano-Turanian was the most dominant (77%).Chorotypes. The dominance of Hemicryptophytes, Chamaephytes and Therophytes can be referred to the simultaneous effects of climate fluctuations and livestock grazing on the flora of winter and rural rangelands in Shirkooh. The specific situation of the region, Provides the conditions given for the presence of other vegetation growing regions And the flora of the region’s richness and diversity is good.


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