Floristic composition, diversity and ecological importance of woody plants in eastern part of National Park of Sena Oura, Chad

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Research Paper 01/08/2017
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Floristic composition, diversity and ecological importance of woody plants in eastern part of National Park of Sena Oura, Chad

Gilbert Todou, Salomon Dedangsou, Victor, Aimé Kémeuzé
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 2), 92-104, August 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Scientific research on plant biodiversity is the only one to identify and develop the potential for innovations derived from plant richness, particularly those of the developing countries. In order to valorize the wild phytogenetic resources for the efficient conservation and sustainable use in sudano-zambezian, a study was carried out in eastern part of National Park of Sena Oura (Chad) assessing the floristic composition, specific abundances and assessing the stand diversity. The systematic inventory of all trees and shrubs (diameter ≥ 5 cm) was done in 10 linear transects (1000 m × 20 m = 20 ha). In total, 84 species grouped in 58 genera and 29 families were found. Combretaceae was the most diverse family (16 species) and the most diverse genus was Terminalia (9 species). The most abundant species was Isoberlinia doka (pi*100 = 12.13% and D = 23 stems/ha) followed by Burkea africana (pi*100 = 7.91% and D = 15 stems/ha). The Simpson index (E= 0.95), the Shannon index (H= 3.41) and the equitability index of Pielou (J= 0.76) indicated that there was moderate stand diversity with more or less equitable species in the Park. The values of diversity and equitability were sufficient for sudanian vegetation. Combretaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Fabaceae, Meliaceae, Anacardiaceae, Mimosaceae, Rubiaceae were most dominant families according to the Family Importance Value index (FIV). These results contribute to the valorization of the wild phytogenetic resources for efficient in situ conservation and sustainable use.


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