Floristic Composition of Fasiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary (FWS), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/05/2021
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Floristic Composition of Fasiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary (FWS), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

A.S.M. Riduanul Hoque, Saddam Hossen, Jime Roy, Jarin Akhter
Int. J. Biosci.18( 5), 29-37, May 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Fasiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary (FWS) is one of the protected area comprises a significant part of tropical forest in Bangladesh. The pure natural forest patches are being encroached and degraded day by day due to illegal felling by local peoples. A study was conducted during October 2011 to December 2012 to assess the floristic composition of FWS. The study revealed that the sanctuary was dominated by large garjan (Dipterocarpus turbinatus) trees followed by co-dominant jam (Syzygium cumini). Total 46 plant species belonging to 27 families were recorded where 13 tree species belonging to 11 families are available. Within the plant species, there were also 14 shrub and 19 herb species recorded belonging to 11 families and 9 families respectively. Among these, Poaceae family was the highest number of herb species. The highest Importance Value Index (IVI) was represented for Dipterocarpus turbinatus (91.6) followed by Syzygium cumini (60.77), Acacia auriculiformis (48.8) and Tectona grandis (46.11) respectively. Total 6 naturally regenerating tree species were recorded where the highest IVI was represented for Syzygium cumini (105.79) followed by Dipterocarpus turbinatus (96.98). The outcome of study suggests for the protection, sustainable management, and conservation of the FWS to restore a better quality forest ecosystem with plant diversity.


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