Formulation and Evaluation of Alugbati-Based Nasal Spray: A Preliminary study for the Adjunct Management of Allergic Rhinitis

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Research Paper 20/08/2022
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Formulation and Evaluation of Alugbati-Based Nasal Spray: A Preliminary study for the Adjunct Management of Allergic Rhinitis

Michael Enri T. Martinez, Kenelie Zcerina A. Melad, Jaira Jade B. Milandres, Ramel A. Mordido, Elvie Rose L. Palad, Park Jay B. Panopio, Jinky Marie T. Chua
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 328-339, August 2022.
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Allergic rhinitis is a nasal inflammation produced by an allergic reaction to allergens that affects a significant number of Asian populations, particularly in tropical countries like the Philippines. The Philippine Bureau of Plant Industry promotes Basella alba, also known as Alugbati, which has been reported to have cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of B. alba Leaf extract as a nasal spray for allergic rhinitis in Sprague Dawley rats. 27 rats were divided into three groups: the negative control, positive control, and the treatment group which received the formulated B. alba nasal spray. The inflammatory impact of white blood cells (WBC) was studied in each group. Ciliary loss, reduction in goblet cells, degree of eosinophil infiltration, and vascular congestion were graded and observed during the histological investigation. Compared to the positive control group, the Formulation group showed no significant change in the histological scores but displayed clinical significance as shown in the samples microscopically. When observing WBC count, there’s a significant difference between the Formulation group and the Positive control group, posthoc analysis revealed that the Formulation group was more effective in normalizing WBC count 24 hours post provocation/administration. An acute inhalation toxicity test showed that the extract is classified as “practically non-toxic”. Therefore, formulated Alugbati nasal spray is a potential alternative and is effective to use in an animal model of allergic rhinitis. Further tests such as ELISA are recommended to specifically determine the mechanism of action of the formulation.


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