Frequency of hypotension induced by spinal block in patients preloaded with crystalloid solution in elective caesarian section

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Frequency of hypotension induced by spinal block in patients preloaded with crystalloid solution in elective caesarian section

Muhammad Tayyeb, Shah Faisal, Irfan Ullah, Muhammad Ajmal, Mukhtair Ahmad, Ayub Said
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 465-469, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of the study is to find hypotension induced by spinal anesthesia preloaded with crystalloid solution in elective Cesarean patients. A Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in Lady reading hospital (LRH) from March to June of 2018 after acceptance of approval from committee of institute of paramedical science (IPMS) Khyber Medical University Peshawar and by Head of the Department of Anesthesia, Lady reading hospital (LRH). A total 246 participants presenting for elective Cesarean section under spinal anesthesia preloaded with crystalloid solution with different ages of total 200 hypotensive, Hypotension occurred after 2 minutes (N=58, 29%), 5 minutes (N=64, 32%), 7 minutes (N=49, 24.5%) and 10 minutes (N=29, 14.5%).240 (81.3%) patients are found hypotensive whereas other patients (18.7%) remain stable. To prevent Spinal Anesthesia induced hypotension in Caesarean Section, preloading of crystalloid solutions is not of much benefit.


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