Genetic diversity of local chicken ecotypes in selected part of central tanzania

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Genetic diversity of local chicken ecotypes in selected part of central tanzania

Edward Moto, Chrispinus C.D. Rubanza
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 15-25, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study was carried out to evaluate the genetic diversity of Central Tanzanian indigenous chicken. Chickens were collected from six different districts of Central part in Tanzania (Dodoma, Kondoa, Singida, Manyoni, Igunga and Tabora). Eighteen microsatellite markers recommended by International Society for Animal Genetics, Food and Agriculture Organization advisory group on animal genetic diversity were used to determine genetic variation. The microsatellite markers used were suitable for the measurement of the genetic diversity and relationship of Tanzanian chicken populations. Statistics related to genetic variation were estimated using GenALEx6. Genetic variation among population was 98% and 2% genetic variance was observed between the six populations. The least number of alleles was seven in MCW0111 locus and highly polymorphic locus was MCW0016 with 23 alleles with a grand mean heterozygosity of 0.779 ± 0.018 across the populations which indicate unlimited gene pool and high gene flow. Nei’s genetic distance ranged from 0.203 (lowest) between population of Kondoa and Singida to 0.583 (highest) between population of Tabora and Kondoa suggesting their genetic relatedness and dissimilarity. Principal of Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) results revealed diverse genetic variation within six populations analyzed. The distribution patterns of the chickens showed no distinct group based on the location specific rather than intermixing of the genotypes was observed suggesting random mating of chickens. This study found a lot of genetic variation and relatedness within and among populations. The results from this study can therefore serve as an initial step to plan the conservation of indigenous chickens in Tanzania.


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