Genetic diversity of pea (Pisum sativum L.) landraces using morphological markers

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Genetic diversity of pea (Pisum sativum L.) landraces using morphological markers

Uzma Arif, Muhammad Jamil Ahmed, Malik Ashiq Rabbani, Ayaz Ahmed Arif, Shahid Iqbal Awan, Anisa Intikhab
Int. J. Biosci.13( 5), 327-340, November 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


These studies were conducted during 2015and 2016 at the University of Poonch Rawalakot. The present study aim to screen the diverse landraces of peas under agro-ecological conditions of Rawalakot. Mean values for germination percentage ranged from 70% to 90%. Maximum value was recorded for M-25, M-102, M-91 and M-72 (90%). Maximum plant height (80 cm) was observed in genotype L-29 followed by L-30 (78 cm), L-28 (74 cm) and L-30 (75 cm). Maximum pods per plant were found in L-29 (18) followed by L-22, L-27, L-28, and L-30 (17.0). Means values for seed per pod ranged from 4-8. Landraces L-35, L-36, L-37, L-38, L-39, L-40, L-41, L-42, L-43, L-44, and L-46 excelled in seeds per pod (8.0) followed by L-11, L-12 and L-13 (7.0). Highly significant differences were also observed among landraces for 100- seed fresh weight. Maximum 100-seed fresh weight (g) was noted in M-83 (29.6 g) followed by M-91 (28.3 g) and Check variety (28.2 g). Highly significant variation in yield was observed among different landraces. Landraces M-83 had maximum yield (kg) (19.73 kg/ha) followed by M-25 and M-07 (18.13 kg/ha) and M-91 (18.8 kg/ha). Genotypes Check, L-10, M—83, M-07, L-47, M-86 L-33, L-64, L-71, L-23 and L-24 were showing maximum variability and were outliers for the cluster. Knowledge obtained from morphological characterization of populations of Pisum sativum, the present study could be used as a benchmark for future studies.


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