Genetic diversity of razor clam (Solen sp.) at Pamekasan Beaches and Surabaya East Coast Indonesia based on RAPD markers

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Research Paper 01/12/2015
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Genetic diversity of razor clam (Solen sp.) at Pamekasan Beaches and Surabaya East Coast Indonesia based on RAPD markers

Ninis Trisyani, Karma Budiman
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 6), 267-274, December 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Razor clam (Solen sp.) is one of the species in the class of Pelecypoda on the phylum of Mollusca that is used as the source of food. Overexploitation can lead to the loss or the decline of the genetic diversity of a population. Then, further decrease of genetic diversity may result the reduction in the adaptability, the resilience of the population, and its productivity. This study was aimed to assess the genetic diversity of Solen sp. found at Pamekasan Coast, Madura and Surabaya East Coast using RAPD method. This study used a survey by random sampling technique. The observed data includes the molecular characters in the form of RAPD markers that are amplified using OPA 1-20 primers. Genome was isolated from the Solen sp tissue. RAPD markers amplification was performed using PCR technique. The method of analysis was conducted using a similarity index that is based on the presence or absence of specific DNA bands on agarose gel. The result of the research showed that the relationship of similarity between Solen sp at Surabaya East Coast and beaches in Pamekasan was 13.1%. The identification result showed that Solen sp. which were found in both locations is Solen regularis.


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