Genetic variability and multivariate analysis for plant architecture and yield components in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) under rainfed conditions

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Research Paper 03/01/2024
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Genetic variability and multivariate analysis for plant architecture and yield components in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) under rainfed conditions

Muhammad Jawad, Shahid Riaz Malik, Rana Abdul Samad, Tayyaba Asif, Muhammad Arshad
Int. J. Biosci.24( 1), 39-46, January 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Mashbean (Vigna mungo) plays a vital role in Pakistan’s agriculture as a prominent Kharif season pulse crop. This study investigates 18 diverse Mashbean genotypes to enhance selection efficiency and improve genetic recombination. Over two Kharif seasons, utilizing ANOVA, correlation analysis, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the research explores yield-contributing parameters. Significant genotypic variations between pods per plant (PP) and yield (Y) was (1.3932**), however the lowest pod length showed non-significant correlation with yield (0.0619NS). The average number of pods per plant ranges from (16.67±0.74) to (29.44±1.31) pods per plant while maximum yield was exhibited by MH-16 (796.10 ± 14.11) kg/ha followed by MH-8 (791.63±14.14)g. However, minimum number of pods per plant and yield were recorded to be (16.7±0.74). Genotypic correlations highlight associations between yield and days to maturity (DM), pods per plant (PP), cluster per plant (CP), and pods per cluster (PC). PCA identifies three key components, emphasizing yield-contributing traits, plant architecture, and direct selection based on pods per plant. The study provides insights for effective Mashbean crop improvement, emphasizing Pakistan’s agriculture and reducing dependency on imports.


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