Genotype season interaction effects on the performance ofsoybean lines

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Research Paper 01/11/2016
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Genotype season interaction effects on the performance ofsoybean lines

Luis Pereira, Trikoesoemaningtyas, DestaWirnas
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.9( 5), 42-50, November 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The purpose of this study was toobta in information on yield potentialof soybean line stested in the first dry season (MK1) and the second dry season (MK2). The information was used to select soybean lines which are most stable under the two different seasonsto bereleased as varieties. This research was conducted in two growing seasons from March to September 2014 in Bogor.The genetic materials used were 7 promising linesand3 national varieties. The designused wasa randomized completely block design with genotypeastreatmentrepeated3 times in each season. Observations were made on agronomic characters of plant height, number of branches, number of nodes, number of pods, number oftotalpods, days to flowering, days to harvesting, weight of 100grains, grain weight per plant, and productivity. The results showed that Weight per plant and productivity was not affected by the interaction between genotype and season. The average productivity for all genotypesin the first season was 3.1 tonsha-1 is greater than the second seas on that is equal to1.8tonsha1.SC-1-8 was recommeded for both seasons.


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