Geochemistry of the interaction nitrate-soluble salt water a salty environment for Lake Fetzara (Algerian Northeast)

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Research Paper 01/08/2017
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Geochemistry of the interaction nitrate-soluble salt water a salty environment for Lake Fetzara (Algerian Northeast)

Ounnas Soraya, Djamai Rachid, Sayad lamine
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 2), 105-116, August 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The lake Fetzara is 18 km from Annaba, it was officially classified as a wetland protected by the Ramsar Convention (2003). The waters of the lake and soils are affected by salinization. The objective of this work is to locate the salinity levels of surface and ground waters of Lake Fetzara and bring out relationships soluble salts – nitrates that may exist. To interpret the results of physicochemical water, diagrams of Piper and Richards are used to determine the chemical composition and water facies and their suitability for irrigation. The study will be punctuated by a PCA statistical analysis that will monitor relationships between different variables. The results show that salinity is higher with values ​​between 100 and 7500 μS/cm , on the level of the South-eastern zone of the lake with a chlorinate-sodic and potassic, with sulfated sodic chemical facies The statistical approach from PCA shows that the processes responsible for salinization of the lake is the concentration of the latter under the effect of evaporation and confirms the positive relationship between nitrate and soluble salts in water surface and negative in groundwater. The high concentration of nitrates in surface waters is mainly due to the use of fertilizers on the agricultural area and the contribution by rainwater and runoff.

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