Growth and yield of red chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by seed treatment with rhizobacteria as a plant growth promoting

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Growth and yield of red chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by seed treatment with rhizobacteria as a plant growth promoting

Ratnawati, Syamsuddin, Syafruddin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 6), 101-108, June 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Seeds are one of the main components in agricultural production systems. Seeds are demanded superior and high quality in order to produce high production. The use of low quality seeds and infectious diseases is one of the causes of low yield productivity. Seed treatment using biological agents or biological extract (biofungiside seed treatment) is an alternative as a substitute for synthetic chemicals in seed treatment. This study aims to determine the role of rhizobacteria as a driver of plant growth to growth and production. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Seed Science and Technology and Plant Disease Pest Laboratory and Experimental Garden of Department Agrotechnology of Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University of Darussalam Banda Aceh, from June to December 2017. This experiment used a randomized block design with a factorial pattern of 2 x 8 with 3 replications. Observations on growth parameters of vegetative plant, pre planting seed treatment using isolate rhizobacteria Flavobacterium sp. Relatively better than the treatment of pre planting seeds with other isolate. Pre-planting seed treatment using isolate Rhizobacteria Azotobacter sp. Effectively able to increase the yield of pepper plant based on the number of fruit production per plant. Chili varieties used to influence vegetative growth and plant reproduction. The varieties of PM999 are superior to the Kiyo F1 variety, both to vegetative and reproductive growth.

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