Growth and yield response of peanut, (Arachis hypogaea L.) and soil characteristics with application of inorganic and organic fertilizer and dolomite addition

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Growth and yield response of peanut, (Arachis hypogaea L.) and soil characteristics with application of inorganic and organic fertilizer and dolomite addition

Violijim Ranay Arangote, Rex Bomvet De Leon Saura, Reuben James Cillo Rollon
Int. J. Biosci.15( 6), 164-173, December 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Peanut is one of affordable nutrition rich leguminous crops. This experimental study evaluated the response of peanut,  Arachis hypogaea and soil properties to the application of ten (10) treatments with three replication such as T1-unfertilization, 10 t ha-1 of CM-chicken manure (T2), CM-Biochar(T3), GM-Goat manure(T4), NPK -60-60-60 kg ha-1 (T5), dolomite -1 t ha-1 (T6), and T7 (T2 + dolomite), T8 (T3 + dolomite), T9  (T4 + dolomite) and T10 (T5 + dolomite) in RCB design. Comparison of means revealed there is no significant difference on plant height, number of leaves, girth size diameter and no. of pods and weight of nodules but there is significant difference in the weight of pods, number of nodules, dry weight of roots and shoot provide by ANOVA test. However, there is an increase inplant height, number of leaves, girth size diameter observed treatments with either chicken manure or biochar with dolomite. Further, chicken manure increase in number and weight of pods and weight of nodules while number of nodules, dry matter of shoot and root observed higher in chicken manure biochar alone and/or with dolomite and also improve soil characteristics. Furthermore, soil analysis revealed heavy soil texture, 0.6-0.7 % SOM, Soil pH range 5.3-6.2 i.e. moderately to slightly acidic, P low to medium, K is low amount but relatively improve than initial. Furthermore, soil amended with chicken manure increases growth and yield of peanut Arachis hypogaea L.


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