Haemorrhagic septicaemia in bovine of Balochistan, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2016
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Haemorrhagic septicaemia in bovine of Balochistan, Pakistan

Zahoor Ahmed, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Ferhat Abbas, Deedar Ahmed, Ghulam Mohammad, Imran Taj, Aziz Ullah, Sana Arif, Attiya Aslam, Mriam Bilal, Asia Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.9( 4), 213-218, October 2016.
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Total 200 blood samples were collected in which 76% were Pasteurella multocida positive and 24% were negative. While district wise results showed that Jaffer Abad, Nassir Abad and Jhal Magssi were the most effected regions of Balochistan. However age wise distributed in bovine was 22% in nine months, 35.5% in one year and 18.5% in two years. The incidence of Haemorrhagic septicaemia was more in buffalo (54%) as compared to cattle (22%). The pH and temperature is the most important factor which effects the growth of Pasteurella multocida. Our result revealed that Pasteurella multocida grows from 250C to 450C while pH results showed growth from 6 to 8 pH. The antibiotic result showed that Pasteurella multocida was sensitive to most of classes of antibiotic which were used in study whereas Metronidazole class showed multi drug resistance against Pasteurella multocida. In lab animal trial fallowing sign such as nasal discharge and laziness were observed in 24 hr while postmortem result revealed that trachea, lung and heart were hemorrhagic.


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