Heritability and genetic diversity of iron, zinc and some morphological and physiological traits in some spring wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)

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Heritability and genetic diversity of iron, zinc and some morphological and physiological traits in some spring wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)

Mostafa Khodadadi, Hamid Dehghani, Mohammad Hussein Fotokian
Int. J. Biosci.4( 2), 1-9, January 2014.
Certificate: IJB 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Wheat is one of the most important cereals and main source of food in Iran and many different countries. Thirty spring common wheat genotypes from Iran were assessed for grain concentrations of Iron and Zinc and some morphological and physiological traits in 2009 and 2010. Iron showed large variation among genotypes, ranging from 17.5 μg g-1 to 48.68 μg g-1 (mean 30.79 μg g-1) in 2009 and from 22.74 μg g-1 to 45.60 μg g-1 (mean 30.53 μgg-1) in 2010. Similarly, Zinc concentration varied among genotypes, ranging from 22.36 μg g-1 to 52.69 μg g-1 (mean 35.79 μg g-1) in 2009 and from 20.74 μg g-1 to 78.60 μg g-1 (mean 42.45 μg g-1) in 2010. The highest heritability was exhibited by days to 50% heading (0.96) in 2009 and by stem number (0.96), spike length (0.96) in 2010. Heritability of grain iron and zinc were 0.74 and 0.61 in 2009, 0.85 and 0.92 in 2010 respectively. Four clusters formed through cluster analysis. Sistan, Akbari, Roshan and Roshan Bahareh backcross genotypes are recommended to use in multiple crossing program to reach transgressive segregants with high genetic potential of studied traits especially for chlorophyll content, grain iron and grain zinc all together. The most squared Euclidean genetic distance (75.81) observed between Niknejad and Roshan genotypes. Therefore, these genotypes can be used to plan wide crosses, to reach genetic diversity and maximize expression of hetrosis. Mahdavi and Bahar genotypes had the most squared Euclidean genetic distance (556.45) for grain iron and zinc content.


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