Heterosis of sorghum hybrid developed from local and introduced lines

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Research Paper 01/03/2016
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Heterosis of sorghum hybrid developed from local and introduced lines

Erin Puspita Rini, Trikoesoemaningtyas, Desta Wirnas, Didy Sopandie, Tesfaye T. Tesso
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.8( 3), 1-9, March 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Sorghum is a minor crop in Indonesia. The availability of hybrid variety in Indonesia will increase farmer adoption of sorghum as food crop. This study is aimed at obtaining information on combining ability of several IPB breeding lines and introduced lines which are considered as parental lines to develop the first sorghum hybrid variety in Indonesia. The study was conduced for three years from 2012 to 2014, consisted of evaluation of ferformance of Parental lines in acid soil, analysis of combing ability of parental lines and evaluation of heterosis and hybrid performance. The study showed that the B69 and PI-150-21-A lines have good general combining ability for yield and yield component. The introduced line P150-21-A showed a negative SCA value for plant height and could be used to reduced plant height in sorghum hybrids. This study showed that hybrids which have high mid parent heterosis for grain yield/plant were B-69 x Numbu with 72%, PI 150-21-A x Numbu with 66%, PI 150-20-A x Numbu with 63% and PI 10-90-A x Kawali with 62% higher yield compared to the average of the two parents. The hybrid PI 10-90-A x Kawali and B69 x Numbu also showed high high parent heterosis (HPH), which means that the two hybrids have grain yield/plant 33 % and 35% higher than the highest yielding parents. The four hybrids are good candidate for sorghum hybrid varieties with high yield potential.


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