Hospital food safety regarding food handlers knowledge practices in Khartoum Government Hospitals

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Hospital food safety regarding food handlers knowledge practices in Khartoum Government Hospitals

Mona Abdalgadir Ahmed Abuagla
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.24( 2), 22-30, February 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Food handlers’ knowledge of safe health practices plays an important role in food safety. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the level of food handlers, knowledge, practices related to food safety and hygiene for workers in government hospitals in Khartoum State – Sudan. The data was collected through a questionnaire conducted among 105 of those who work in food preparation and distribution, cleaning, and supervisors in 10 government hospitals in December 2014. The results showed that the female was   57% ,41.7% of them were in36-45of years, 65%, ≥ 5 of experience, 41.7% had primary education, 65% received food safety training, while 41.7% % They do not have knowledge of the importance of food safety, as for nutrition Office. The majority of them were women, 95.6%, and 44.4% of them in 25-35 years old. Most of them were clinical nutrition specialists, and 62.2% of them were university graduates. They have more than five years of practical experience, and 55.5% of them reported that the standard of meals provided to patients was satisfactory, while 13.3% reported that it was unsatisfactory, 53.3% reported that they do not train workers on the job, while 68.9% reported that they were a directed to the importance of obtaining a health card. The analysis also showed statistics between the age groups of food handlers and their training at the level of 0.01, as well as between the knowledge of food handlers about food contaminants and their training at the level of 0.01.


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