Identification and marketing of Marantaceae in the Ndjolé area, in central Gabon

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Identification and marketing of Marantaceae in the Ndjolé area, in central Gabon

Pamphile Nguema Ndoutoumou, Gino Boussiengui Bousssiengui, Armelle Lyvane Ntsame Affane, Charlène Kady Ignanga Mouyombi, Crépin Ella Missang
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.20( 2), 40-46, February 2022.
Certificate: IJAAR 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The forests of the Congo Basin cover an area of 200 million hectares, of which just over 10% is in Gabon. In this country, crop products and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are abundant because of its favourable climate. There is significant biodiversity and great potential for non-timber forest products. This study is interested in the identification and the supply chain of the Marantaceae, one of these NTFPs of plant origin in central Gabon, whose exploitation is national. Through a survey of the main actors in the sector and field visits in the locality of Bifoun, it emerges the existence of three large groups of exploited marantaceae, whose harvest and transport are mainly done by women, in various containers. The storage of this NTFPs does not exceed four days, with the risk of losing its commercial value due to drying out. The uses of this resource are multiple: processing cassava, cooking food, making handicrafts, etc. The income it provides to producers is mainly use towards small family expenses but helps to monetize the rural world. The difficulties inherent in the distance from harvesting points, the low price of the product and the impossibility of long-term storage of the marantaceae leaves constitute a brake on the development of this activity. It would therefore be wise to envisage the domestication of the species listed for a sustainable use of this plant genetic resource.


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