The effect of shifting cultivation practice on sakponba forest reserve, Edo State, Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/09/2021
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The effect of shifting cultivation practice on sakponba forest reserve, Edo State, Nigeria

Ureigho, Ufuoma Nelly, Ohwo, Abigail Kevwe, Odjegba, Elohor Obukowho, Okunomo Kehinde
Int. J. Biosci.19( 3), 148-156, September 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The study assessed the effect of shifting cultivation practices by farmers in Sakponba Forest Reserve, Edo State. Twenty percent (20%) of the total communities surrounding Sakponba forest reserve were randomly sampled in selecting the respondents for the study. Two hundred (200) shifting cultivators using structured questionnaire, oral interviews and focal group discussion with identified groups were used as instrument for gathering information. Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages was used to analyse the data obtained. The study revealed that males (68.5%) participated more in shifting cultivation practice which was their major means of livelihood. The food crops produced majorly include cassava, maize, plantain, vegetable, sweet potatoes and pineapple. The cultivation period was 3-4 years (36.5%;27.5%) while the fallow period was within the range of 1-4 year (73.5%). The benefits of the practice were clearly on sustain food production and income. The socio-economic drivers and the negative impacts were deforestation, soil erosion. Low income and poverty. The major factor responsible for the practice includes low productivity of land, high yield production, scarcity of fertile land and culture. Ways to improve the willingness of farmers to adopt agroforestry system as an alternative to shifting cultivation consist of educating farmers by extension agents and amendment of land-use act. Awareness creation program to the local community about the importance of agroforestry was recommended.


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