Impact of chitosan-raw-material (Shrimp shell powder) on the grain yield and agronomic characteristics of transplanted aman rice (BRRI dhan56)

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Research Paper 05/04/2024
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Impact of chitosan-raw-material (Shrimp shell powder) on the grain yield and agronomic characteristics of transplanted aman rice (BRRI dhan56)

Faysal Ahmed, Mohammad Issak, Rezuana Pervin
Int. J. Biosci.24( 4), 115-122, April 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


To investigate the impact of chitosan-raw-material on BRRI dhan56 yield maximization, a field experiment was carried out. Four treatments with five replications each were used in the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) experiment setup. Different dosages and application techniques (seedbed and main field applied methods) were used with the chitosan raw material. The following were the combinations of treatments: T1: Seedbed applied with chitosan-raw-material at 0 g/m2 + field applied with chitosan-raw-material at 0 ton ha-1, T2: Seedbed applied with chitosan-raw-material at 0 g/m2 + field applied with chitosan-raw-material at 0.5 tons ha-1, T3: Seedbed applied with chitosan-raw-material at 250 g/m2 + field applied with chitosan-raw-material at 0 tons ha-1, T4: Seedbed applied with chitosan-raw-material at 250 g/m2 + field applied with chitosan-raw-material at 0.5 tons ha-1. Applying chitosan-raw-material to the seedbed greatly increased the height, dry matter production, and strength of the seedlings. Grain yield and yield characteristics of T. aman rice were significantly impacted in seedlings treated with chitosan-raw-material (BRRI dhan56). When chitosan-raw-material was applied to rice seedlings, the yield traits such as filled grain/panicle, effective tillers/hill, and 1000-grain weight increased. Treatment T4 yielded the highest grain yield (6.64 tons/ha), which was statistically equal to treatment T3‘s grain yield (6.51 tons/ha). The control treatment T1 yielded a minimum grain yield of 5.28 tons/ha, which was statistically equivalent to the grain yield of treatment T2.  More yield was also observed as a result of earlier primary tiller production, higher levels of several effective tillers, earlier flowering and maturity times, and earlier maturation. When considered collectively, our findings show that adding chitosan-raw-material to the seedbed enhanced the strength of the seedlings, which may be a sign of a higher BRRI dhan56 yield.


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