Impact of climate change on cattle production and adaptation in the municipality of Banikoara in Benin

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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Impact of climate change on cattle production and adaptation in the municipality of Banikoara in Benin

S. Katé P.V. Houndonougbo, U.P. Tougan, A. Tchobo, N. Gounou, O.J. Ogodja, B. Tinte, E. Ogouwale, S. Diarra, B.A. Sinsin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.6( 2), 38-46, February 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims to determine the composition of cattle herds, the perception of cattle breeders on climate changes and adaptation means used in the municipality of Banikoara in Benin. It appears that 69-85% of cattle breeders are from Fulani ethnic group. Livestock production is their main activity (60-85%; p <0.05). Their secondary activity was agriculture. The number of males by herd varied between 9 and 15 with the highest amount recorded in district 9 (p <0.05). The number of females by herd varied from 20 to 34 with the greatest amount met in the district 10 (p <0.05). The highest amount of introduced females (3) was found in district 4 (p <0.05). The average amount of males and females kept by cattle breeders one year ago had decreased respectively from 18 to 16 and from 35 to 31 (p <0.05). All breeders were married. 98.5% of breeders indicate a significant impact of climate change on livestock production. The reported indicators of climate change were: frequent droughts, winds, excessive heat, the late rains and frequent floods. 76-100% of farmers reported overgrazing, pastoral productivity reduction, water resources declining, narrowing corridors and crop residues reduction. The adaptation means used by breeders include transhumance, enhancement of crop residues, medical prophylaxis, strengthening of the committees of transhumance corridors management, creation of water dams and installation of fodder reserves, introduction of new breeds, and improvement of cattle performances by selection.


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