Impact of epsom salt on mineral uptake and correlation studies in Beta vulgaris

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Research Paper 04/03/2023
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Impact of epsom salt on mineral uptake and correlation studies in Beta vulgaris

Palve Sandip Balaji, Ahire Digambar Dadaji, Harkal Ananta Dnyanoba
Int. J. Biosci.22( 3), 1-11, March 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Beta vulgaris L., commonly called beet, belongs to the family Chenopodiaceae. Recently utilized in manufacturing sugar, food color and ethanol production and many commercial applications. The application of Epsom salt can have a positive impact on the mineral uptake. The increased concentration of magnesium in the soil can enhance the uptake of other nutrients, which can lead to an increase in the yield and quality of the crop. During the vegetation period different Epsom salt (ES) electrical conductivity levels affected macro and micronutrient content in the beetroot leaves was investigated in current research. The experimental work was conducted with various ES electrical conductivity treatments (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5 and 20.0 mSm-1 and control). A trend was observed, with increasing ES treatment up to 20.0 mSm-1 ES P, Mg, S, Cl and Mn also showed increased in uptake. Highest N and Ca uptake by the plant was recorded at 5.0 mSm-1 ES. In our investigation, the interrelationships between leaf mineral nutrition parameters of Epsom salt-treated plants have found a strong positive association between Mn with P (r=0.890), Mg (r=0.883) and S (r=0.926) and strong negative correlation with Ca (r=-0.818) at P > 0.01. Also, we observed that Ca shows a strong negative correlation with Fe; and Na shows a negative correlation with P, Cl, Mg and Mn. Among all the minearals S shows the highest CV (34.47 %). Treatments with < 5.0 mSm-1 ES are the most efficient methods for promoting beet growth and productivity; however, the treatment > 7.5 mSm-1 ES induced stress.


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