Impact of logging and participatory forest management practices on non-timber forest products availability: a case study from Southwest Cameroon

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Case Study 01/03/2017
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Impact of logging and participatory forest management practices on non-timber forest products availability: a case study from Southwest Cameroon

Elvis Nsoh Ndam, Jean Louis Fobane, Carmen Stéphanie Mbianda Wandja, Inoussa Njumboket, Patrice Levang
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 3), 1-24, March 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


To assess the impact of logging and participatory forest management practices on NTFP availability, this paper describes the use of NTFPs as food and income sources in a certified logging concession of Southwest Cameroon. Surveys were done using community questionnaires and participatory meetings. Sampling plots were established in exploited/unexploited landscape to assess the impact of logging on major NTFPs. Fifty four species encountered are used as food, traditional pharmacy, etc. Harvesting sites are located in agro-forestry sites, home gardens and concession. NTFPs are locally sold permanently or weekly and most seasonally. Multipurpose species, like the Andok, Djasang, Moabi and Okan have the distinction of interest to both the timber industry and the production of NTFPs. Most often, the greatest interest is focused on the wood rather than NTFP. During logging, management diameter set outweigh the RFD (Regular Fruiting Diameter). Compared to the minimum administrative cutting diameter of these species determined by forestry ministry, Moabi, Okan and Djansang meets the standard for natural regeneration. The average density of Moabi or Okan with at least 20 cm DBH in disturbed plots (0.06 tree/ha) is lower than data of spaces devastated by human activity even for the most popular species of the order of 0.5 tree/ha. But, 3 of the 4 competitive species, can cause immediate or long term conflicts of interest as object of covetousness on the part of local people and the logging company. Some recommendations are ameliorate the competitive NTFP harvest rate not to exceed the levels allowing sustainable maintenance of these samples; Learn new domestication techniques to no longer deal with potential conflicts regarding competitive NWFP and Organize in Common Initiative Group and set up a manufacturing Industry for self-used equipment’s (chairs, rustic baskets,..) through the valuation of Raffia and Rattan.


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