Impact of silicon in managing important rice diseases: blast, sheath blight, brown spot and grain discoloration

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Impact of silicon in managing important rice diseases: blast, sheath blight, brown spot and grain discoloration

Nur Akmal Rebitanim, Nur Zalikha Rebitanim, Nur Shuhada Tajudin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.6( 3), 71-85, March 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In the Asia regions, the most important staple food consumed by nearly one-half of the world’s population is the rice. However, important diseases of rice namely blast, brown spot, sheath blight and grain discoloration are major limitations on rice production and are becoming more severe on rice grown in silicon (Si) depleted soils, with blast being the most devastating disease. This review presents the research findings on the role of Si in plant protection against diseases, focusing on rice. Absorption of Si in plants takes place in the form of monosilicic acid and rice is known for its capability to actively absorb Si in high amounts. The possible mechanisms of Si mediated alleviation of disease infection are also being explored in this paper.


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