Impact of the cereal-legume cultural association on maize production in the same plot: maize-cowpea example

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Research Paper 05/04/2023
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Impact of the cereal-legume cultural association on maize production in the same plot: maize-cowpea example

Gorgui Diouf, Ablaye Faye, Mbacké Sembéne
Int. J. Biosci.22( 4), 16-22, April 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Zea mays L. is a highly developed cereal in the world. In Africa, particularly in Senegal, maize production has been low. To help improve its production, a study with the overall objective of food and nutritional security was conducted, particularly in the municipalities of Keur Mandongo and Keur Madiabel. A specific objective consisting in evaluating the impact of the maize-cowpea association on maize was necessary in this study. For its implementation, a good methodology has been adopted. This first consisted of sowing cowpea on maize rows ten days after sowing. Then, yield squares (eight per hectare) with sides of five meters were installed at plot level. Finally, the average weight of the ears (five to ten) of the squares of each plot made it possible to determine the yield by a formula which was used. In total, the results of the associated plots were acceptable, especially for the 2019-2020 campaign, i.e. a yield of 932.5 kg per hectare. The average yield of the controls was 1184.530 kg. On the other hand, for that 2020-2021, the results were nil, i.e. a yield of 0.00 kg per hectare. At the end of this study, the maize-cowpea association was recommended in order to safeguard food and nutritional security in maize in the study area, in Senegal and everywhere else in the world.


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