Impact of underground coal mining on surface water and ground water quality

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Research Paper 01/10/2015
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Impact of underground coal mining on surface water and ground water quality

Sana Akhtar, Maryam Khalid, Almas Hamid
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 4), 23-33, October 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Groundwater contamination and depletion resulting from underground coal mining activities is a worldwide environmental problem. The pumping of groundwater from flooded columns during underground coal mining deteriorates the quality of water and also depletes it. Heavy metals occurring in the earth’s crust naturally can interact with water. Direct interaction of water with naturally occurring heavy metals in earth’s crust or coal can contaminate water. Groundwater and surface water samples around coal mine area, located at Kallar Kahar, Pakistan were analyzed for Zinc, Cadmium, Lead, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Nickel, Mercury and Copper concentrations. The analysis showed that the concentration of Iron as compared to other heavy metals was higher. The concentration of Cadmium and Copper was also noticeably high. Copper concentration in water samples ranged from 4.7ppm to 7.8ppm while the concentration of cadmium ranged from 0ppm to 10ppm. All samples contained lead ranging from 0.006ppm to 0.027ppm. Whereas Chromium and Zinc was below detectable limit. No trace of manganese was found in any of the groundwater and surface water samples collected from the mines and the pond. Monitoring wells should be established in the surrounding area to check the contamination of groundwater and instead of coal cleaner fuels should be considered to reduce the need for coal mining.


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