Impacts of harvesting on insect community composition using water-pan traps in maple-beech trees, Haliburton forest, Canada

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Research Paper 01/05/2017
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Impacts of harvesting on insect community composition using water-pan traps in maple-beech trees, Haliburton forest, Canada

Mark Horsburgh, Amany Mansour
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 67-78, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Insect communities respond to microhabitat changes caused by forest management. Therefore, it could be used to examine ecological changes following management. Differences in abundance, richness and composition of different insect assemblages at two different taxon levels (Order and family) were assessed. This was undergone at Haliburton Forest, Ontario, Canada dominated by maple-beech trees by setting water-pan traps at five sites. One of the sites has never been harvested while the others have been harvested at different times through the last two decades. Sampling also included locations (edge and center of each harvested site). There were 2270 insects caught in traps, out of them 1206 hymenopteran dominated by Diapriidae. Order Diptera represented by 625 individuals and Muscidae was the most abundant family. Both orders Coleoptera and Hemiptera represented by 241 and 127 individuals. Different cutting dates showed no influence on the structure of selected insect assemblages at the high-taxa level, while few hymenopteran and dipteran families showed some significant change along the time following cutting represented by Diapriidae, Platygastridae and dipteran Muscidae.  Regarding locations, there were no significant differences in abundance of different taxa levels. Jaccard index indicated relative similarity in hymenopteran family composition in the study sites and a high similarity (98%) among the two locations. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) that used to perform ordinations has shown some evidence of segregation of hymenopteran families by site and location. The present study has shown that harvesting of forest tree has a little influence on the changes in associated insect community composition.


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