Impacts related to sand dredging activity: Literature review

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Impacts related to sand dredging activity: Literature review

Romaric K. Lalèyè, Hyppolite Agadjihouèdé, Thierry M. Agblonon Houelome, Antoine Chikou, Philippe A. Lalèyè
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 4), 19-32, April 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Sand is a crucial resource for the development of a nation. It is the second most consumed natural resource in the world after water: humanity swallows 15 billion tons of it every year. This article presents a synthesis of current knowledge on the various impacts related to its exploitation, which is constantly increasing in the world today. The methodology used is based on documentary research and consisted in the analysis of scientific publications, thesis and books on the activity of sand dredging and its impacts. Several works focused on the bio-ecological and socio-economic impacts of this activity on aquatic ecosystems. These studies cover more than 98% of the work carried out in the marine environment. A research orientation aimed at exploring these issues in the lagoon and estuarine ecosystems of southern Benin would contribute to safeguarding the environment and conserving biodiversity.


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