Improvement of soybean growth and yield by foliar urea and boron application

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Research Paper 06/04/2024
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Improvement of soybean growth and yield by foliar urea and boron application

Meherunnesa Tamanna, Md. Fazlul Karim, A. K. M. Ruhul Amin, Mostarak Hossain Munshi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 4), 9-15, April 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of foliar urea and boron application on soybean and it was laid out in split-plot design with two soybean varieties (BARI Soybean-5 and BARI Soybean-6) and five foliar application viz. Control (Recommended dose of fertilizer), RDF+ Foliar Spray of water at flower initiation, RDF+ Urea (2%) FS at FI, RDF+ Boron (1%) FS at FI, and RDF+ Urea (2%) + Boron (1%) FS at FI. Results obtained from the experiment showed that the variety, BARI Soybean-6 gave maximum plant height (47.13 cm), dry weight plant-1 (11.55 g), nodules plant-1 (21.27), pods plant-1 (57.47), seeds pod-1 (2.87), 100 seed weight (13.41 g) and seed yield (2.13 t ha-1) compared to BARI Soybean-5. In terms of foliar urea and boron application, highest plant height (48.82 cm), dry weight plant-1 (12.18 g), nodules plant-1 (21.79), pods plant-1 (59.67), seeds pod-1 (2.89), 100 seed weight (13.45 g), seed yield (2.17 t ha-1) and stover yield (2.73 t ha-1) were obtained from treatment T5 (RF+ Urea (2%) + Boron (1%) FS at FI, indicating its effectiveness in enhancing soybean growth and yield. Specifically, the combination of BARI Soybean-6 with treatment T5 demonstrated the most promising results overall, suggesting it as the recommended approach for improving soybean yield in cultivation practices.


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