Improvement of the chemical characteristics of Aceh entisol and maize yield due to the application of rice husk, biochar and manure

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Improvement of the chemical characteristics of Aceh entisol and maize yield due to the application of rice husk, biochar and manure

Teuku Maulana, Sufardi, Syakur
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.16( 3), 19-23, March 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Entisols have known of containing low levels of clay and organic matter, therefore the water holding capacity is low. In order to increase soil fertility, the effort of adding organic amendments is required. One of the most possible method is applicating rice husk, biochar, and cow manure that is able to improve the soil structure to become more crumb and to increasee the ability to hold water. The study was conducted in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, University Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Analysis of soil chemical characteristics was conducted in Aceh BPTP laboratory. The study was conducted from May until September 2018. The research was designed using a Non-Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD). The following treatments are R1 (10 ton ha-1 rice husk), R2 (10 ton ha-1 rice husk + N and K), R3 (10 ton ha-1 rice husk + NPK), R4 (Biochar 10 ton ha-1), R5 (Biochar 10 ton ha-1 + N and K), R6 (Biochar 10 ton ha-1 + NPK), R7 (cow manure 10 ton ha-1), R8 (cow manure 10 ton ha-1 + N and K), R9 (cow manure 10 ton ha-1 + NPK), R10 (cow manure 20 ton ha-1), R11 (cow manure 20 ton ha-1 + N and K) , R12 (20 ton ha-1 + NPK). The combination of biochar treatment 10 tons ha-1 + NPK influence the availablity of P in soil, the combination of cow manure treatment 20 tons ha-1 + N and K influence exchangeable potasium in soil, and the combination treatment of cow manure 10 tons ha-1 + N and K affects the potential yield of maize.

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