Influence of different animal fat coating on storage stability of mango fruit

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Influence of different animal fat coating on storage stability of mango fruit

Obaid Ur Rahman, Ihsan Mabood Qazi, Muhammad Shahid, Ali Muhammad, Muhammad Uzair, Imran Khan, Muhammad Faiq, Saifullah
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 361-372, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Influence of different animal fat coating (Buffalo fat, cow’s fat, poultry fat, sheep fats, Goat fats and Control) on storage stability of mango fruit was examined during storage. The coated fruits along with control (without coating) were studied for selected physico-chemical parameters (pH, titratable acidity, fruit firmness, total soluble solid, ascorbic acid, weight loss and decay index) and organoleptic properties (color, taste, texture and overall acceptability). This is revealed from statistical analysis that animal coating had significantly (p<0.05) influence all the quality parameters studied, except ascorbic acid. Mean values showed that pH, TSS, ascorbic acid and firmness of the all the coated samples along with control reduced during storage of 25 days. On the other hand, percent acidity, weight loss and percent decay of all the mango fruit samples were increased. Sensory studies revealed that color, taste, texture and overall acceptability of the coated mango fruits were increased with passage of time during storage. In conclusion, this was observed that mango fruits coated with buffalo fat showed more stability in quality degradation when compared to rest of the animal coated fruits and to control. Further investigation like microbial study, micro structure, consumer wellbeing test (CATA), hazards to human health, etc. like are required to commercialize the application of animal coating of mango fruits for increasing shelf life.


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