Influence of extraction techniques on consumer acceptability of bee brood (Apis mellifera) as an alternative source of protein for improved food security

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Research Paper 03/12/2022
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Influence of extraction techniques on consumer acceptability of bee brood (Apis mellifera) as an alternative source of protein for improved food security

Kenneth Otieno Owuor, Prof. Christopher Gor, Dr. Mary A. Orinda
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 6), 18-25, December 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Bee keeping improves livelihoods of rural communities due to its low capital requirement and low technical knowhow. Currently, bee brood is removed by beekeepers as part of a strategy to lower the population of the destructive mite (Varroa destructor) which is disposed of to keep the hive healthy and avoid colony collapse. The aim was to investigate influence of extraction techniques on consumer acceptability of bee brood (Apis mellifera) as an alternative source of protein. The Theory of Planned behavior of planning that predicts deliberate behavior was used. The target population was 2,415 with sample size of 343 respondents. Stratified and simple random sampling were adopted. The study area included five riparian counties along Lake Victoria namely: Busia, Homabay, Migori, Kisumu and Siaya. Descriptive research design was adopted using questionnaires, Key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions. Data was analyzed and presented using thematic analysis, inferential and descriptive statistics with the aid of SPSS software. Mean and standard deviation were used to measure central tendency and dispersion respectively, while inferential statistics included multiple regression and correlation analysis. The results for Pearson correlation indicated that extraction techniques (r=0.311, p=0.000) had significant statistical influence on acceptability of bee brood as food and that squeeze-method (M=3.63,S.D.=1.0,P>0.05) and warming (M=3.64,SD=0.467,P>0.05) were sustainable brood extraction methods. Moreover, agricultural extension officers should sensitize actors on the consumption of bee brood and its products. In the interest of biosecurity, it was recommended that beekeepers disinfect beekeeping equipment that comes in contact with bees to increase brood productivity.


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