Influence of foliar application of bio-stimulants on growth, yield and chemical composition of tomato

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Influence of foliar application of bio-stimulants on growth, yield and chemical composition of tomato

Asad Ullah, Shujaat Ali, Nasar Ali khan, Syed Mubarak Shah, Fazle Amin, Ata Ullah, Shoaib Khan, Zafar Ullah
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 309-316, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The experiment was carried out 2018 at the University of Agriculture Peshawar-Pakistan to investigate the influence of different plant extracts and salicylic acid as a foliar spray on growth, yield and fruit quality of tomato (Cv. Rio Grande).The design of the experiment was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement with three replicates were used.  Different levels of plant extracts i.e (control, moringa 6% neem 10% and garlic 4%) and Salicylic acid concentrations i.e (Control, 2, 4 and 6mM) were applied for foliar application. Results indicated that foliar application of plant extracts (moringa 6%) gave Maximum chlorophyll content (0.0511 mg cm-2), plant height (90.44 cm), single fruit weight (57.79 g), fruit volume (55.68 cm3), fruit firmness (3.63 kg cm-2), titratable acidity (0.40 %) and ascorbic acid (11.76 mg 100gm-1) content, while maximum pH was recorded in control treatment. Whereas salicylic acid concentration (6mM) also effected all the attributes as compared to all treatment. maximum chlorophyll content (0.0522 mg cm-2), plant height (88.38 cm), single fruit weight (54.91 g), fruit volume (51.91cm3), fruit firmness (3.28 kg cm-2), titratable acidity (0.37 kg %), and ascorbic acid (10.87 mg 100g-1) content with minimum fruit juice pH (4.19) was recorded.

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