Influence of pre-harvest bagging on fruit quality of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Mishribhog

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Research Paper 01/09/2017
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Influence of pre-harvest bagging on fruit quality of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Mishribhog

M.T. Islam, M.S. Rahman, M. Shamsuzzoha, A.K.M.M.B. Chowdhury, R. Alom
Int. J. Biosci.11( 3), 59-68, September 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Bagging of mango fruits prior to harvest is the preeminent alternative to avoid adverse effect by causing physical damage and improve the commercial value of the fruit, namely, improving fruit coloration, reducing splitting mechanical damage, sunburn of the skin etc. An investigation was performed during the year 2016 from March to June for safe mango production by applying minimum use of pesticide entitled influence of bagging on physico-chemical properties and shelf life of mango cv. Mishribhog. The mango fruits were bagged at marble stage with different types of bags which constituted the various treatments viz.: T1: Brown paper bag; T2: White paper bag; T3: Polythene bag T4: Muslin cloth bag; T5: No bagging (control). Bagging with brown paper bag and white paper bag improved fruit retention, weight of fruit, diameter of fruit, pulp weight, total soluble solids, ascorbic acid, percent of citric acid, reducing sugars and β-carotene at harvest and ripe stage over control. Brown paper bag changed fruit color. In all cases good quality, cleaner, disease and insect free fruits were harvested. The sensory qualities in fruits of brown, white and muslin cloth bags were improved over control. Fruit retention was significantly enhanced by pre-harvest bagging with brown paper bag (91.00%) and white paper bag (87.00%) over control (81.33%). The harvesting time was significantly deferred (65.67 days) in brown paper bag over control. Pre-harvest bagging also reduced occurrence of spongy tissue and the incidence of mealy bugs. These results specify that fruit bagging can improve fruit quality through diminution in disease and insect-pest infestation and shelf life of mango cv. Mishribhog.


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