Influence of temperature on survival, yolk utilization, growth, and morphometric anomaly rates in post-embryonic Clarias jaensis under controlled conditions

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Research Paper 03/02/2025
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Influence of temperature on survival, yolk utilization, growth, and morphometric anomaly rates in post-embryonic Clarias jaensis under controlled conditions

Boddis Zebaze Tsiguia, Guegang Tekou1, Fon Dorothy Engwali, Mmira A Akohogni, Alexia Kévine Noubissi Chiassa, Algrient Nana Towa, Claudine Tekounegning Tiogué
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.26( 2), 1-9, February 2025.
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Captive breeding of Clarias jaensis remains limited due to a lack of knowledge regarding optimal temperature conditions to ensure larval survival and early development. This study evaluated the impact of different temperatures on survival, yolk absorption, linear growth, and the rate of morphometric anomalies in post-embryos. A total of 580 newly hatched post-embryos were evenly distributed in 10 trays, placed in pairs in five polyester tanks. Each tank was subjected to one of the five experimental temperatures: 22°C, 25°C, 27°C, 29°C, and 31°C. Survival and anomaly rates were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier test, while the evolution of yolk sac volume and larval length was studied using a one-factor ANOVA. The results show that the best survival rates were obtained at 25°C (96.5 ± 3.5%), 27°C (91.5 ± 6.4%), and 22°C (90 ± 2.8%). No survival was observed at 29°C and 31°C after three and two days post-hatching, respectively. Yolk absorption was significantly faster at 27°C (98.92 ± 0.58%), while differences in linear growth were not significant between 22°C, 25°C, and 27°C. The most frequent morphometric anomalies included pericardial edema, yolk edema, and skeletal deformities, with a lower malformation rate at 25°C (4.5%) compared to 22°C and 27°C. Based on these results, it is recommended to stabilize the breeding temperature at 25°C to maximize survival, and at 27°C to promote rapid growth and yolk absorption.

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