Insect diversity visitors to gadung 21 variety of Mango flower on off Season and on Season

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Insect diversity visitors to gadung 21 variety of Mango flower on off Season and on Season

Wiwin Windriyanti, Sri Karindah, Liliek Sulistyowati, Bambang Tri Rahardjo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 2), 63-70, February 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Mango plantations (Mangifera indica Linn.) are generally flowering once a year. By technological innovation, the mango inflorescences period can be carried out over the flower season (Off Season). The purpose of this study is to examine the insect diversity of visitors to mango flowers in spring (on-season and off-season). Research was carried out in March-May and July – September 2017. The study was conducted in Rembang District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java with the topography of 60 meters above sea level with an average temperature of 26°C – 32°C and a minimum humidity of 80% – 88%. The insect diversity of visitors to mango flowers is observed by purposive sampling method, and periodic direct observation (scan sampling) is carried out. Data were analyzed with the help of the R statistic application version 3.4.1 and vegan package version 2.4-4. The results of the study were 17 species, 12 families, and 5 orders. The percentage of insects is dominated by 51% order Hymenoptera, 46% Diptera, Lepidoptera, Homoptera, and Hemiptera 1% each. The results of the analysis of the diversity of insect communities of visitors to manga flowers show that overall they are still classified as moderate with index values (1≤ H’≤ 3). Evenness of insects in the moderate category with an index value of E = 0.6, and species richness in the low category with an index value of R = 1.4. Domonation index D = 0.5 and close to value 1, which means that there is a dominant of species. Insect species of visitors to the mango flower Gadung clone 21, are dominated by Chysomya sp., Apis sp. Eristalis sp., Trigona sp. and Crematogaster spp.


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